2012年4月8日 星期日


A lot of my friends have been asking me : Why don't you start writing a blog about your travel experience?
Yes I am not going to deny I do travel a lot. It all started when I was 16 as an exchange student to Germany. Hopping on trains and buses traveling around Europe, and experience cultural shock. All those got me hooked on traveling, and from then on whenever I've time I'll just be on the road...but...but...I've never thought about writing about what I've felt and seen during my journey and sharing it with the world. Somehow I have the idea in my head that people who always blog about their life and feelings are really self obsessed. This is why I have been very reluctant in becoming a blogger.

Recently I'm going through something and during this week, a lot of thinking and reevaluating about my current life have been done and I've realized a CHANGE is necessary. So have been putting myself out there to meet as many new people as I can, to exchange fresh point of views. Have been signing up for sign language class which I've long been wanting to learn sign language since I was 16.  Reconnecting with people that I've long lost contact with. 4 days long Easter holiday, I was skyping with one of my dear friend whom is currently locate in Spain - Bibao.

An endless heart felt conversation occurred... which stunned both of us.

A.C: Living abroad is hard but to make it easier for you a journal would help! Write about your feelings,whatever that you want to write about.
R.C: What if i can't write it daily? I'll feel guilty!
A.C: I'm not asking you to write about things everyday, that will be an over archiver! Set a more realistic goal, let say maybe 1 entry every 2 or 3 days. That's what i did when i was an exchange student in Germany.

Next Day...

R.C: I have wrote an entry! Here is the link to my blog.
( I was a little shocked by how quick R.C response...)
R.C: Since you are going through something I think a blog that you can share with your friends around the world would help! (Said with an affirmative tone) And you've traveled a lot! Look you just got back from Europe, write something about it!

Pointing the gun head to others is one of my specialities, being point at is NOT what I hope for. I laughed my way out of the conversation. Later at night when I was lying in my bed I rethink the idea of having a travel blog, despite the view on how I see bloggers, a BLOG can actually help me to connect tighter with my family and friends that is now in different parts of the world. They have been with me through my life journey and why don't I take them with me on my travel journey as well?

So here I am, a travel blog, my first blog. To honour those who helped me to get through all my darkest moments; To honour those who encourage me to pursuit my dreams; To honour those who open my eyes to see the world and to experience various cultures. I am going to write what I see, how I feel during my travel. This is my starting point and I'm going to take every single one of you on a journey WITH ME!

                            Standing, waiting to go on a journey@ München International Airport

